Share a Bit of Time with SharingShree
To find answers to questions like what, why, how, and where.
About the Name

The name SharingShree is a combination of Sharing and Shree. Where sharing refers to sharing of information and Shree is the first half of the founder’s name
Why SharingShree?
About problems and possible solutions.

In holistic life, things are interdependent and share cause and effect. For example, relationship conflicts can affect health status, wealth creation, and overall life growth.
It’s good to say and hear that “Ups and Downs are common in this life. The balance must be maintained and try for life growth”. But It is easier said than done because of the following problems;
- Manipulatively propagating toxic self-growth concepts that mostly lead to selfish growth.
- Overemphasizing and craving for “external motivation” rather than trying to execute from “inner inspiration”.
- Lack of moderated approach toward active and passive ways of learning.
- Neglecting the interrelated and interdependent nature of growth factors.
And the list goes on.
So SharingShree speaks about life growth factors through the content about managing relationships, helpful knowledge, and skills such as communication, the importance of understanding the modern marketing world, products, services, and so on
Of course, “life growth” is a broad term like the universe. Random discussions about every topic under the sun will not be useful. That’s why SharingShree believes that mutual sharing of experience, knowledge, and expertise is the key to actual growth in daily life. Hence, it calls the process “Learning and Sharing“.
Did You Know?

A study conducted by Harvard University shows the importance of relationships in life.
A lot of studies are not required to see a simple fact. You might have observed that the majority of people with good health, a comfortable lifestyle, and continuously trying to fit into the social structure are not happy.
One of the reasons is unhealthy relationships. This problem itself can be an inner inspiration.
Person Behind SharingShree

Hi Friend…
I’m Shreenidh K, founder of SharingShree. I feel happy about your interest in learning more about SharingShree and me.
My story in brief: As usual, everyone has their own background and variety of stories. You and I are no exception. But don’t worry, I’ll try to keep my story as short as possible.
I belong to an agriculture-based family. Which means, I’m a bit more blessed by nature. This may be one of the reasons behind the topic “Life Growth“.
After post-graduation (M com – Master of Commerce), I worked as a sales executive to experience the ground realities. By representing my clients’ businesses, I visited the smallest local shops, malls, medical outlets, star hotels, and even the Infosys campus, where I was able to generate leads and sales for my clients.
Moving further, I wanted to learn online marketing and thought of starting a blog. I decided to begin with Relationships and Friendship as topics to write about.
Here is why;
Though I was born in India, my skin color makes me stand out in the crowd.
Yes! As you can see in the photo, I’m a white-colored person.
Like any other body image issue, this is an everyday challenge for me to face in different ways. Extreme closeness and complete rejections are common in such cases. Directly and indirectly, this affects both relationships and friendships.
That’s how the SharingShree (and SharingShree Kannada) blog was born to mutually learn and share.
Additionally, because of personal interest and Online Marketing (onlineshree.com) being part of my work life, it became natural for me to observe life including human problems, interests, behavior, emotions, etc.
Well, I don’t want to waste your time by elaborating my story.
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