Hey my reader friend, how are you?
You’re facing some kind of problems in long distance relationship and that made you land on this page, am I right?
The success rate of long-distance relationships is 58% says a study report published in the Times of India. That means, there is the possibility of properly managing or solving distance relationship problems.
Hence, be relaxed. Read till the end to avoid the chance of missing any useful information that happens while skipping the read in between.
Table of Contents
Main Long Distance Relationship Problems:
The better we know about problems, the easier it becomes to identify the possibility of solving them. So let you and I quickly go through the important issues that occur in most distance relationships.
1. Distance itself is a Major Problem:

If you live together with your loved one, you can see, hear, and directly feel the presence of the person. But it is not so in the case of distance relations. That makes it unique.
Distance is another side of the same problematic coin structure of relationships. Otherwise, people who live in a combined family wouldn’t have asked how to get rid of joint family problems.
2. Lack of Physical Intimacy:

” Everyone has an attachment style that reflects the way they tend to approach and think about relationships”, and “study after study has found that couples touch each other more tend to be happier”- these are the findings of a study mentioned in “The Power of Touch: Physical Affection is Important in Relationships, but Some People Need More Than Others” by Indiana University.
It’s a pretty straightforward point. The lack of physical intimacy directly or indirectly brings anger, jealousy, and feelings of frustration in oneself. Sometimes it may be difficult to recognize the absence of physical intimacy behind highly fluctuating feelings and emotions.
3. The Problem of Insecurity:

Problems related to insecurities in distance relationships can be identified at three basic levels;
- Insecurity in the relationship itself.
- Personal insecurity – a feeling of incompleteness in oneself.
- There is no chance to directly take care of the other person or vice-versa.
The insecurity breeds fear. This may make you think that there’s no difference between being in a relationship and leading a life as a single. In such situations, knowing how to overcome insecurities in relationships becomes important.
4. Disturbing Doubts:

When persons involved in a relationship, live together, there’s the opportunity to know the person more deeply regularly. But this is not so easy in a long-distance relationship.
Here is an interesting thing. Doubts in relationships arise because of two main reasons. One, you know the other person and the possibility of making mistakes which should not happen in relations. Two, You don’t know much about the person you’re in relation with.
If you recently stepped into a relationship, if you haven’t met directly at least a couple of times, then raising doubts is an obvious thing.
The subject of doubts may vary from the possibility of having bad habits to the extra affairs of the other person.
What is your take on doubts? How many doubts do you have? Why do they exist?
Think of it. Because there is a direct connection between having doubts and the next problem that we are going to look at.
5. Communication problems in Distance Relationships:

Communication problems can easily be identified in the main branches of the human relationship tree such as personal and professional.
Following are the key points that create communication problems in distance relationships;
- Lack of proper communication skills either in any one person or in both who are involved in the relationship.
- The age of the relationship and how accurately you know each other, have a significant impact on communication.
- Unavailability of the other person when one wants to conversate. Additionally, the problem becomes intense when one can not understand the genuine reason behind the unavailability.
What kind of issues are you facing about this?
6. Other Problems:
If you keep on looking, you’ll find a big list of problems related to distance relationships on the internet such as;
- The boredom of relationships.
- Becoming less and less interested in the relationship.
- Fear of cheating.
- Jealousy, depression, and other forms of violence. The list goes on and on.
These are the byproducts of the main issues which we have already discussed. If I mention them separately again and again, instead of helping to overcome the problems, they add more confusion and make it difficult to bring clarity to yourself.
You may have already checked it out. If not, simply “search long-distance relationship problems on Google“.
That’s why SharingShree tries to keep things simple and focuses on solving problems with the least effort possible in its blog posts
Possibility of Solving Problems in Long Distance Relationships:
After going through the main issues, we are here to enquire about the possibilities of getting rid of them.
As this is a complex thing involving multiple aspects, we can not randomly through some ideas. Possibilities are subject to the following points;
1. Intensity of Desire to Solve Problem:
Your intensity of desire to get rid of toxic issues in a relationship decides how quickly and accurately you can find solutions.
Congrats my friend! Your desire is intensive enough to find the solution because you still reading so far patiently.
The chance of solving conflicts easily increases when both persons involved in the relationship have a solution-oriented mindset with the same level of intensity.
What do you say? Am I right?
2. Definition of Solution:

Your definition of a solution decides the way you identify possibilities and the accuracy of the solutions you get.
Consider these examples;
- Let’s say you think “relationships should not be broken no matter what“, then you won’t consider ending the relationship as a solution.
- Or else, you may think an ending is the only solution, because you may be influenced by your idle, movies, media, friends, etc
If you closely observe the above example, you’ll notice an important point. When you approach a problem with a preconceived idea of a solution, the possibility of discovering actual solutions that are suitable to you, your situation and the other person becomes nill.
Let me be honest with you. Do not expect a readymade solution from anyone including this blog. Every answer will be from a standpoint that is difficult to copy-paste and get the desired results in relationship matters.
Treat this as a helping map, then find yourself in it and the possible ways that are mentioned here. Choosing the way suitable to you and moving decisions are completely up to you.
3. Possibility of Eliminating The Distance:

Base location, education, and career are the major factors that influence distance relationships.
If the distance stays only for the short term, then managing problems becomes comparatively easy.
Prioritization of the importance of your individuality, relationship, and the stage of life you are in, helps to make decisions related to distance in the long run.
4. The Way of Communication:

Who to talk with is the only thing most people correctly know in a distance relationship. But there are other aspects too;
- Whether to talk in every situation that comes across?
- What to talk about?
- How to express yourself effectively?
Such fundamental questions help us to prevent the mistakes that usually happen. Communication is a powerful tool that can help in constructing a strong relationship. If misused, it destroys any strong relationship in seconds.
Read SharingShree‘s Post on “Useful Long-Distance Relationship Conversation Topics“. That will help you to get more insights on improving communication skills in a long-distance relationship.
5. The Way You Approach The Problems:

Either you can take all problems one by one and try to find solutions to each. Another way is to find the root of problems and try to fix them there.
What would you choose?
If you say going to the root level and trying to fix problems there is better, then congrats, you have already begun to do that. Because all 4 points we discussed related to the possibilities are already at the root level.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the biggest problem in long-distance relationships?
The distance itself is the biggest problem in long-distance relationships.
What causes long-distance relationships to fail?
Neglecting the roots of problems and trying to solve them at a surface level causes distance relationships to fail.
Should we talk every day in a long-distance relationship?
It depends on the actual situation you are in and the importance you give to the role of communication in the relationship.
What are the struggles in a long-distance relationship?
Setting a mutually available time to communicate, difficulty in understanding the emotions of each other accurately, and the loyalty level of the relationship are the major struggles in a long-distance relationship.
Additional Benefit of This Post:

Generally, the term long-distance relationship is used to denote the relationship between couples who live in different locations. But human beings are involved in various types of relationships such as parent-children-siblings, close friendships, varieties of professional relationships, etc.
The distance can also be found in these types of relationships. For instance– many children are living far away from their parents for educational or employment purposes (or vice-versa). Problems even exist in these distance relations.
That’s where you may find this interesting and helpful to all people who are living apart from their loved ones. Except for sexual problems under the physical intimacy category, almost all points discussed in this article can be used by such people.
We are almost done. So it’s time, to sum up, what we discussed till now.
To avoid unnecessary complexities, we considered the main problems in a long-distance relationship. The distance, lack of physical intimacy, and disturbing doubts are few among them.
While enquiring into the possibilities of solving distance relationship problems, we tried to go to the root of issues rather than merely playing at the surface level.
Your intensity of desire to find a solution, how you define a solution, the possibility of eliminating the distance, and the way you communicate play a key role in increasing the possibility of solving problems easily. As we saw at the beginning, The success rate of long-distance relationships is 58%. Hence there is scope for solving problems.
Finally, we saw the benefit of this post to people who live apart from their loved ones for various reasons. If you know any such person, do not forget to share this post with them.
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Let me know in the comment section.

Author and Publisher
Shreenidhi K
Hey, I’m Shreenidhi. I have created SharingShree to mutually learn and share content including experience and knowledge gathering while providing online marketing services for businesses through OnlineShree. Know More.